I'm awful at updating, aren't I? I also have a Tumblr that I don't seem to touch. Fail.
Drew is doing great. He's still at Google Maps doing work he can't talk to me about due to his NDA. Meh... He's healthy and he's beyond excited for Christmas this year. It's our first Christmas as a married couple and we've decided to do things our way. Normally I (we) would stay at my mom's with my siblings and have to take sleeping aids just to fall asleep. (I'll miss sleeping with my sisters and brothers, though.) But, this year Drew and I are going to stay at our home and open presents together and then head over to my mom's. I'm so excited to wake up in my own bed next to my husband on this special holiday. I can almost gaurantee that I will be waking up at 6AM. It doesn't matter how old I am, or how much I don't care that it's Christmas morning, I still wake up at the ass-crack of dawn. I've tried to sleep in. It doesn't work.
No, I'm not going to tell you detailed stuff, don't worry. I just wanted to share an idea I've had. We had the Charity : Water founder, Scott Harrison, speak at our church on Sunday. I feel like we could probably give more. So, I had a pretty nifty idea. What if after the holidays are over, we total everything we've spent on gifts, and match that in a donation? Not all at once or right away, because we didn't prepare for an idea like this. But, just shortly after the New Year. It would be a nice idea, I think I'm going to push for it.
Work is going great. I was promoted to Office Manager a couple months back and I have really been trying to make sure that Dawn (my manager) knows that it was the best decision. I love being able to help in new ways that are more advanced that when I first started. I am learning so many new things and am eager to learn more! I'm no longer being complacent in my job, which was how I was with basically every job before I came to DLI.
My best friend in the entire world, Stephanie Pierce, it 12 weeks pregnant. I am absolutely over the moon with excitement for her and her husband Mike. She is as close to me as a sister, so I will love this babe like an auntie really should! And spoil it like crazy! :-) One of her younger sisters is also pregnant, so next year is going to be filled with babies and love for that family! Jessica and I recently got together for dinner and hair. I love that girl. :-) She chopped all my hair off for me and I freaking LOVE it!
My family rocks. There isn't really much going on. They are just awesome people.
Drew and I are planning a trip to Kauai, Hawaii in October for our conjoined birthdays. I'm beyond excited. I get to introduce him to all my family on the island, including my great grandma Kruse! ACK!
My little sister is truly talented. She took Drew and I's Christmas pictures.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Jack Johnson
Apparently I love Jack Johnson more than I thought I did. I felt so at peace this last weekend while I sat there listening to him sing.
Drew and I have been house sitting for the past week and a half for my boss, taking care of their home and their dog, Felix. Saturday morning, we slept in and left the house at 11 to meet his parents back at our apartment so we could all go to the Gorge together. Drew reminded me that we had an extra ticket and we should see if someone could come on short notice, or we'd sell it at the gate. I immediately called my big brother, Danny. But, unfortunately Danny was already on his way to work and wouldn't be able to make it.
We had almost made it to the Gorge when Danny texts me and tells me that he's all bummed because he got out of work early, and wished he could come out, thinking he wouldn't make it in time. It was 4:00, I told him to get in his car and hurry his ass up because Jack wouldn't go on until close to 8:00, if not even later. He made it during the second act and got to see all of Jack!
The Gorge was so hot and I was very uncomfortable. I live in Washington for a reason, people... I love the rainy, cold weather! I don't know what to do with myself when it's all hot like that. Hot was sadly only 82 degrees... But, still. I got a really cool Jack shirt, as did Drew. I'm excited for the weekend when I can wear it. It's super cute and makes me happy.
My least favorite part of the day? PEOPLE SMOKING WEED AROUND ME. By the end of the night my eyes were on fire and I was coughing a lot. Which is lame because I was the only one who seemed to be affected physically. I was also not a huge fan of the hippie standing right in my way. We were in an area where everyone was seated, my idea is if you want to stand, then go on down to the main floor, don't put us out. I was also slipping down the little incline we had, which was a pain in my back by night end. But, worth it. :-) All worth it for good seats and a great show.
Can I tell you my favorite part of the day? It was sitting between Drew's legs during the acoustic encore, listening to him sing "Angel" and "Better Together" to me. My heart flutters when I think of him.
Drew and I have been house sitting for the past week and a half for my boss, taking care of their home and their dog, Felix. Saturday morning, we slept in and left the house at 11 to meet his parents back at our apartment so we could all go to the Gorge together. Drew reminded me that we had an extra ticket and we should see if someone could come on short notice, or we'd sell it at the gate. I immediately called my big brother, Danny. But, unfortunately Danny was already on his way to work and wouldn't be able to make it.
We had almost made it to the Gorge when Danny texts me and tells me that he's all bummed because he got out of work early, and wished he could come out, thinking he wouldn't make it in time. It was 4:00, I told him to get in his car and hurry his ass up because Jack wouldn't go on until close to 8:00, if not even later. He made it during the second act and got to see all of Jack!
The Gorge was so hot and I was very uncomfortable. I live in Washington for a reason, people... I love the rainy, cold weather! I don't know what to do with myself when it's all hot like that. Hot was sadly only 82 degrees... But, still. I got a really cool Jack shirt, as did Drew. I'm excited for the weekend when I can wear it. It's super cute and makes me happy.
My least favorite part of the day? PEOPLE SMOKING WEED AROUND ME. By the end of the night my eyes were on fire and I was coughing a lot. Which is lame because I was the only one who seemed to be affected physically. I was also not a huge fan of the hippie standing right in my way. We were in an area where everyone was seated, my idea is if you want to stand, then go on down to the main floor, don't put us out. I was also slipping down the little incline we had, which was a pain in my back by night end. But, worth it. :-) All worth it for good seats and a great show.
Can I tell you my favorite part of the day? It was sitting between Drew's legs during the acoustic encore, listening to him sing "Angel" and "Better Together" to me. My heart flutters when I think of him.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
{Pity Party} Birthday Party
Well here I am, 24 and livin life. My birthday was an odd one this year. For instance, it was my first birthday as a married woman. And unfortunately for Drew, he had to see the dark side of what that meant.
It ended up being a bummer because with short notice to our friends, many people weren't able to come to dinner with us. I'm not going to lie, it hurt. I cried right there at the dinner table in front of Drew, Kyle and Kristin. I was embarrassed, but mostly depressed. I feel like Drew and I are able to make it to nearly everything our friends invite us to, no matter the time frame, but everytime we do try to make plans, still no matter the timeframe, no one is able to make it. (Another reason I can't wait to move out of Redmond and closer to our family and friends.) So, we learned a valuable lesson... Events take planning. I'm just glad it happened with my 24th and not my 25th!
I hope I don't sound too down about my birthday, because I'm really not. I learned another valuable lesson while standing in between Drew and Steph during worship on Sunday. Just because they couldn't make it, didn't mean they didn't want to, or that they didn't love me. I threw myself a pity party for my birthday and I'm not proud of it or happy about it. I'm so very thankful for my loving comments all over my facebook wall and for Kyle and Kristin for graciously coming to the Crab Pot (even though Kyle doesn't like seafood. He had a burger.) and celebrating life with me. I'm thankful for Stephanie wishing to make my birthday better with something that is meaningful to the two of us. I'm thankful for my mother in law for taking me out to lunch on Saturday and for my mother for treating me to getting my nails done on Saturday and lunch on Sunday.
It was a low key birthday and at this age, that should be good enough.
Watch out 25... I will have a fun event even if I have to throw it for myself! I just want all the people I love in one place. :-)
Drew and I at the Crab Pot. Picture taken by the Bishops. (No, I couldn't get rid of the red eye.)
It ended up being a bummer because with short notice to our friends, many people weren't able to come to dinner with us. I'm not going to lie, it hurt. I cried right there at the dinner table in front of Drew, Kyle and Kristin. I was embarrassed, but mostly depressed. I feel like Drew and I are able to make it to nearly everything our friends invite us to, no matter the time frame, but everytime we do try to make plans, still no matter the timeframe, no one is able to make it. (Another reason I can't wait to move out of Redmond and closer to our family and friends.) So, we learned a valuable lesson... Events take planning. I'm just glad it happened with my 24th and not my 25th!
I hope I don't sound too down about my birthday, because I'm really not. I learned another valuable lesson while standing in between Drew and Steph during worship on Sunday. Just because they couldn't make it, didn't mean they didn't want to, or that they didn't love me. I threw myself a pity party for my birthday and I'm not proud of it or happy about it. I'm so very thankful for my loving comments all over my facebook wall and for Kyle and Kristin for graciously coming to the Crab Pot (even though Kyle doesn't like seafood. He had a burger.) and celebrating life with me. I'm thankful for Stephanie wishing to make my birthday better with something that is meaningful to the two of us. I'm thankful for my mother in law for taking me out to lunch on Saturday and for my mother for treating me to getting my nails done on Saturday and lunch on Sunday.
It was a low key birthday and at this age, that should be good enough.
Watch out 25... I will have a fun event even if I have to throw it for myself! I just want all the people I love in one place. :-)
Drew and I at the Crab Pot. Picture taken by the Bishops. (No, I couldn't get rid of the red eye.)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
"How can I pray for you today?"
It's an interesting thing when you have a relationship in which you try to keep God centered. You have a different level of respect for your spouse. You find yourself wanting to pray for them, and grateful with they pray for you. You feel stronger, like you can take on anything.
Drew has taken on a role as head of our house. It is his job, no matter how early I wish to go to bed, to come in to the bedroom with me and pray with me. I know it's something he is passionate about, so I also remind him if he forgets or is distracted.
We also have this thing we do when we are talking throughout the day where we ask, "How can I pray for you?". It's monumental the effect it has on our relationship. It's hard to believe that I could love this man any more than I already do, but it just keeps growing! (Like I mind... HA!)
I'm trying to also put it in to play with those that I talk to during the day, too. I started today when I emailed Stephanie. It feels SOOOOOOO good.
My amazing man and I at the races, with the parents + Max.
Drew has taken on a role as head of our house. It is his job, no matter how early I wish to go to bed, to come in to the bedroom with me and pray with me. I know it's something he is passionate about, so I also remind him if he forgets or is distracted.
We also have this thing we do when we are talking throughout the day where we ask, "How can I pray for you?". It's monumental the effect it has on our relationship. It's hard to believe that I could love this man any more than I already do, but it just keeps growing! (Like I mind... HA!)
I'm trying to also put it in to play with those that I talk to during the day, too. I started today when I emailed Stephanie. It feels SOOOOOOO good.
My amazing man and I at the races, with the parents + Max.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
{True Love}
I knew I wanted to update my blog, but I didn't know what to write about. As I sat staring at the title bar, the only words that came to mind were "True Love". A funny realization came to mind when I thought deeper on those words. I didn't just mean my love for Drew.
My love and reverence for God is something I am proud of. It hasn't been an easy road, my life, but it's been a good one. I dealt with things that I child shouldn't have had to. I was thrown in to some responsibilities that a teen shouldn't have to shoulder. I have a heart for other people's pain, which can be downright exhausting. When a dear friend of mine miscarried her first pregnancy, I bawled my eyes out at work, on my way home, and as I lay in bed that night. But, I knew that God would take care of them and that when I get to Heaven, I'll meet the little one that didn't make it to their life this round. Still, through all this, my love for God has never wavered.
I'm not saying that I had a traumatic life, or that my trials were any more intense than those of anyone else. But, it was a challenge for me. Thank God for always being there and never giving up on me when I felt like giving up on everything else.
It's crazy what can happen when you give up control and let Him do what He has planned for you. I was in a relationship in early January of 2009. It was a dead end and left me less than satisfied with myself and with him. I sat in church and heard, "give it up", so I did. I told my best friend Drew that I broke up with my bf. Two days later we started dating, two days after that we had our first kiss. I married that boy. If I hadn't listened, I might still be playing the detrimental dating game, being less of the woman I should be, giving my heart away to men who don't deserve or even want it.
How amazing is it that we have a God who loves us and genuinely wants the best for us? How amazing is it when you give up control, as hard as it is?
Thank you God for giving us all the second chances in the world to screw up and find you again.
I'm all giddy and full of love.
My love and reverence for God is something I am proud of. It hasn't been an easy road, my life, but it's been a good one. I dealt with things that I child shouldn't have had to. I was thrown in to some responsibilities that a teen shouldn't have to shoulder. I have a heart for other people's pain, which can be downright exhausting. When a dear friend of mine miscarried her first pregnancy, I bawled my eyes out at work, on my way home, and as I lay in bed that night. But, I knew that God would take care of them and that when I get to Heaven, I'll meet the little one that didn't make it to their life this round. Still, through all this, my love for God has never wavered.
I'm not saying that I had a traumatic life, or that my trials were any more intense than those of anyone else. But, it was a challenge for me. Thank God for always being there and never giving up on me when I felt like giving up on everything else.
It's crazy what can happen when you give up control and let Him do what He has planned for you. I was in a relationship in early January of 2009. It was a dead end and left me less than satisfied with myself and with him. I sat in church and heard, "give it up", so I did. I told my best friend Drew that I broke up with my bf. Two days later we started dating, two days after that we had our first kiss. I married that boy. If I hadn't listened, I might still be playing the detrimental dating game, being less of the woman I should be, giving my heart away to men who don't deserve or even want it.
How amazing is it that we have a God who loves us and genuinely wants the best for us? How amazing is it when you give up control, as hard as it is?
Thank you God for giving us all the second chances in the world to screw up and find you again.
I'm all giddy and full of love.
At my company's summer party hosted at my bosses' home. SO FUN. Next to us, our BFFs the Bishop family.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I have felt so much shame as of late because of my negative, selfish and slightly disrespectful behavior. I got my teeth out and have pretty much been a non stop whiner since then. I know my pain wasn't near the caliber that I was making it out to be. I didn't have the tell-tale signs of swelling that people usually get, so I guess I had to remind people that I was hurting. What for? Sympathy? Attention? Gag. Yes, I WAS in pain, but I'm not a child and I should have handled it with more dignaty that I did.
You probably noticed the "slightly disrespectful" piece there. I do feel like I have been disrepecting Drew by my actions. I have been thinking so inwardly lately and I have been neglecting my husbands basic needs.
I started feeling a whole lot better yesterday and called him while I was out and about running errands for work, and I apologized. I told him that I had been treating him unfairly and that I was sorry for disrespecting him with my negative attitude. I felt energized after doing this. I was totally ready to get home and be a more attentive wife. Our house was a mess and we had growth group in a couple hours, with a chapter still left to read. So, while I ran around the house cleaning, putting stuff away, doing dishes, etc., I had Drew read to me. I love moments like that.
I felt that weight on my shoulders yesterday. I have a new weight on them today. I made my apology after sitting on a deception for far too long and letting it eat at me. I'm just praying that my message gets read and my apology is accepted. I am a good willed woman... I just pray that I make that known by my actions more often.
You probably noticed the "slightly disrespectful" piece there. I do feel like I have been disrepecting Drew by my actions. I have been thinking so inwardly lately and I have been neglecting my husbands basic needs.
I started feeling a whole lot better yesterday and called him while I was out and about running errands for work, and I apologized. I told him that I had been treating him unfairly and that I was sorry for disrespecting him with my negative attitude. I felt energized after doing this. I was totally ready to get home and be a more attentive wife. Our house was a mess and we had growth group in a couple hours, with a chapter still left to read. So, while I ran around the house cleaning, putting stuff away, doing dishes, etc., I had Drew read to me. I love moments like that.
I felt that weight on my shoulders yesterday. I have a new weight on them today. I made my apology after sitting on a deception for far too long and letting it eat at me. I'm just praying that my message gets read and my apology is accepted. I am a good willed woman... I just pray that I make that known by my actions more often.
Feeling a need to be set free from guilt.
Monday, August 2, 2010
{PAIN} My whiney post...
I am such a sucker. My last posts were about the excitement of getting my teeth out and being all healthy and such!
Boy, was I a bonehead.
I can't believe I was looking forward to it. I got them pulled on Friday afternoon. It is now Monday evening and I'm still in more pain than I had anticipated. I take the 800mg ibuprofen three times a day and when it flares up in between those times, I have (generic) vicoden. I'm also on an antibiotic, which I hate. I can't stand being on antibiotics. They leave a disgusting taste in my mouth, and they counteract birthcontrol. I'm tired all the time, my jaw aches, I have to take my antibiotic with a full glass of water, and I have been having to take it at bedtime, which means I'm getting up in the middle of the night. I honestly don't LIKE to complain, when I'm in genuine pain, the last thing I want to do is be a bother to anyone else. Now, if I have a cold? Yeah, I'm super obnoxious. I always end up feeling awful when I can tell on my husbands face that I'm being a pill.
Here I sit, on the couch... Again. I've been pretty well acquainted with this couch for the past 3 days. Good thing this giant purple cat hair magnet is confortable! But... my stitches feel like they are pulling and there is a flap of skin that seems to be loose. I'm just worried that it's going to keep getting worse. I'm such a negative Nancy, a real Debbie downer. And I hate it.
Maybe I just feel like being negative right now? That's not fair at all. God gave me an opportunity to go to a good dentist adn take care of a problem in my mouth. God gave me an amazing husband who just wants to help me feel better. I just need to shake it. I'm healing, that's a good thing. Healing doesn't come without a little pain, still.
Buck up, you big sissy. There are worse things out there.
Boy, was I a bonehead.
I can't believe I was looking forward to it. I got them pulled on Friday afternoon. It is now Monday evening and I'm still in more pain than I had anticipated. I take the 800mg ibuprofen three times a day and when it flares up in between those times, I have (generic) vicoden. I'm also on an antibiotic, which I hate. I can't stand being on antibiotics. They leave a disgusting taste in my mouth, and they counteract birthcontrol. I'm tired all the time, my jaw aches, I have to take my antibiotic with a full glass of water, and I have been having to take it at bedtime, which means I'm getting up in the middle of the night. I honestly don't LIKE to complain, when I'm in genuine pain, the last thing I want to do is be a bother to anyone else. Now, if I have a cold? Yeah, I'm super obnoxious. I always end up feeling awful when I can tell on my husbands face that I'm being a pill.
Here I sit, on the couch... Again. I've been pretty well acquainted with this couch for the past 3 days. Good thing this giant purple cat hair magnet is confortable! But... my stitches feel like they are pulling and there is a flap of skin that seems to be loose. I'm just worried that it's going to keep getting worse. I'm such a negative Nancy, a real Debbie downer. And I hate it.
Maybe I just feel like being negative right now? That's not fair at all. God gave me an opportunity to go to a good dentist adn take care of a problem in my mouth. God gave me an amazing husband who just wants to help me feel better. I just need to shake it. I'm healing, that's a good thing. Healing doesn't come without a little pain, still.
Buck up, you big sissy. There are worse things out there.
The man who makes me sing with joy. At my mother in law's birthday July of 2009.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I'm the biggest nerd with the incredible ability to underestimate my pain threshold.
All day yesterday I had been saying how excited I was to go to the dentist. I'm glad I went, don't get me wrong. But, I completely forgot about how painful having sensitive teeth can be at times.
I had my regular cleaning with the gritty paste by the dental assistant, which was fine. Then I had the exam by Dr. Ed and we talked wisdom teeth. Next was the ultra sonic cleaning. This is the super powered water that jets out of the cavitron tip and can blast away calculus build up. Oh my goodness, this hurt. It gets into the sulcus (the space between gumline and tooth) and cleans it out. But, if you have sensitive teeth and sometimes sensitive gums, this can be a painful thing. I shudder at the thought of it. It's a necessary evil, I know this. My teeth are amazingly clean, though. Dr. also said that I don't have any new cavities, which he is proud of.
Two Fridays from now, on the 30th of July, I will be leaving work early and heading to my house where Drew will meet me. From there we are going to hustle over to Sunrise Dental and get at least one of my three wisdom teeth out. I have one that just decided to start really pushing through and it's not very pleasant! Drew is nervous on my behalf because he knows I don't manage pain very well.
Here is where prayer comes in!
God, help me be a strong woman and deal with whatever pain or fear that comes with dignity. I pray that I don't lose myself and become a child just because I have been known to be a sissy. I don't want this time to become an excuse for me to not do my wifely duties and maintain my home as I try to do. Amen.
Us in Maui in 2009. :-)
All day yesterday I had been saying how excited I was to go to the dentist. I'm glad I went, don't get me wrong. But, I completely forgot about how painful having sensitive teeth can be at times.
I had my regular cleaning with the gritty paste by the dental assistant, which was fine. Then I had the exam by Dr. Ed and we talked wisdom teeth. Next was the ultra sonic cleaning. This is the super powered water that jets out of the cavitron tip and can blast away calculus build up. Oh my goodness, this hurt. It gets into the sulcus (the space between gumline and tooth) and cleans it out. But, if you have sensitive teeth and sometimes sensitive gums, this can be a painful thing. I shudder at the thought of it. It's a necessary evil, I know this. My teeth are amazingly clean, though. Dr. also said that I don't have any new cavities, which he is proud of.
Two Fridays from now, on the 30th of July, I will be leaving work early and heading to my house where Drew will meet me. From there we are going to hustle over to Sunrise Dental and get at least one of my three wisdom teeth out. I have one that just decided to start really pushing through and it's not very pleasant! Drew is nervous on my behalf because he knows I don't manage pain very well.
Here is where prayer comes in!
God, help me be a strong woman and deal with whatever pain or fear that comes with dignity. I pray that I don't lose myself and become a child just because I have been known to be a sissy. I don't want this time to become an excuse for me to not do my wifely duties and maintain my home as I try to do. Amen.
Us in Maui in 2009. :-)
Monday, July 19, 2010
I {less than 3} the dentist
As silly as I am sure that sounds, I can't help it. I love going to the dentist. I love going to the optometrist. I love LOVE going to the doctor (it helps that it's my mom's clinic).
I have been in some serious pain with my wisdom teeth as of late. I know most of you are simply appalled that I still even have mine in at the ripe age of 23, but it's true. I only have three. Two are fully erupted and the third has recently decided to ascend into the world. This new pain has given me a huge appreciate and new level of sympathy to children who are just recently cutting teeth. It HURTS.
I'm going to the most awesome dentist in the whole freaking universe, Dr. Im at Sunrise Dental in Bellevue. Not only is he a dentist, but he is also a physician. He is also connected to my CEO in a way that gives us something pleasant and non generic to chat about.
My appointment for my general cleaning is tomorrow, but I am going to point out the angry little bugger poking it's way through my gums and hopefully we will be able to work out next steps to get them all out.
ACK! So excited. :-)
Mrs. P
(I love this man)
I have been in some serious pain with my wisdom teeth as of late. I know most of you are simply appalled that I still even have mine in at the ripe age of 23, but it's true. I only have three. Two are fully erupted and the third has recently decided to ascend into the world. This new pain has given me a huge appreciate and new level of sympathy to children who are just recently cutting teeth. It HURTS.
I'm going to the most awesome dentist in the whole freaking universe, Dr. Im at Sunrise Dental in Bellevue. Not only is he a dentist, but he is also a physician. He is also connected to my CEO in a way that gives us something pleasant and non generic to chat about.
My appointment for my general cleaning is tomorrow, but I am going to point out the angry little bugger poking it's way through my gums and hopefully we will be able to work out next steps to get them all out.
ACK! So excited. :-)
Mrs. P
(I love this man)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thank God
Thank God for every day.
Thank God for unpleasant times, they remind me that I'm just human, I'm prone to mistakes, but I AM forgiven.
Thank God for good times, they remind me that I am blessed to be a child of His.
Thank God for my family, without them, I wouldn't know who I am.
Thank God for my friends, they keep me in line and bring joy to my life.
Thank God for my husband, he is my rock and my sanity.
Aftercrying all over talking to Drew last night about the things in my previous post, he gave me a VERY valuable suggestion. "Give it up to God." I started to bawl when he said that because I truly had forgotten to do this. I prayed about how I wanted children, but was mad at myself for thinking too far ahead in the future and forgetting my present. After a refreshing shower, and time with my husband, I spent a little extra time with God where I prayed hard and said, "I am completely giving up control of this to you. I can't do it on my time, I need to be patient for yours. Help me to remember that it is my job to be a wife right now. Help me be a damn good one.". I felt much better after that. I know we aren't ready to start our family. I want to focus my energy on something I can control right now, and that's my intensity at my job, and in my marriage. Those two things will set the stage for whatever next comes along. I need to be ready for that. What better time to build my foundation than NOW?
Thanks God... You ROCK.
A reminder of where I am:
Thank God for unpleasant times, they remind me that I'm just human, I'm prone to mistakes, but I AM forgiven.
Thank God for good times, they remind me that I am blessed to be a child of His.
Thank God for my family, without them, I wouldn't know who I am.
Thank God for my friends, they keep me in line and bring joy to my life.
Thank God for my husband, he is my rock and my sanity.
Thanks God... You ROCK.
A reminder of where I am:
Monday, July 12, 2010
To Shed a Few Tears
I sit here on the couch while my husband works out in the apartment fitness center, and I'm crying.
I decided to watch last seasons final episode of Glee and it, of course, started the water works, which are now in moderate effect.
I realized that I'm not just crying because the episode touched my emotional bone... I am crying for a multitude of reasons. I cry during Glee because it reminds me of what I had. I used to sing, and I was pretty darn good by my senior year, thanks to many years in choir. It wasn't until that final year that I went for a solo. I sang the national anthem at my school's fall pep assembly and I wow'd them. A friend of mine told me that another student whispered in her ear as I began to sing, "Whoa! I didn't know Kali could do that...". It felt great. I also got to sing a solo at my own graduation with both of my parents there together, it was my dad's first time seeing me sing. This was one of the highest moments of my life and I still hold it very close to my heart. But, I feel ridiculous that I would be so depressed about it now. I don't sing with the control I used to have and it saddens me deeply. How I wish I had kept going, gone for more, tried to stand out... It's all about "what if" with me.
I cry for a second, also slightly silly reason. This is the episode where Quinn has her baby. I cried the hardest when she is in labor and Puck is watching over her with an appreciative gaze. I. WANT. THIS. Drew and I have been married for only 5 months and I can't wait to start our family. I want to be pregnant. I want to go into labor. I want to deliver this amazing creation. I want to hold that child with Drew by my side. I'm excited for those things! But, I stress out because it's still so early in our marriage to bring a child in to the mix. We live in a one bedroom apartment that is starting to get a little small for my tastes. It's perfect for us right now, don't get me wrong. This apartment is a blessing to us straight from God, and I don't want to forget that. But, there is of course this part of me (a VERY large part) that wants a 3 bedroom home. Guest room and office for now... I want the room for a family, eventually. BUT, I don't want to miss out on the first years of my marriage! You see my conundrum? I'm in love with children, and want my own brood, but I don't want to bring children in to the world just yet, but I want them now... And I go in circles. Stress me OUT.
The main thing I really need to keep remembering is that everything needs to be in God's time, not Kali's time. I want Drew and I to have purpose in our marriage. I want us to try to get pregnant, not have an "oops" baby. I want to feel like it was the right time for us and that we were mentally ready (ish).
I've started praying at night about this. That God would bring a sense of peace and take away my feelings of urgency. That I would be happy with where I'm at and stop looking so far in the future. I want to enjoy my time with my new husband. Ephesians 5, and the first paragraphs of 6, have been a huge reminder to me as well... I need to be a WIFE right now. I need to focus on the two of us before a third. But, Ephesians is a good guideline on how to be a good wife. It's been a nice reminder to read that. I just need to redirect my focus.
I almost forgot to post a picture...

I decided to watch last seasons final episode of Glee and it, of course, started the water works, which are now in moderate effect.
I realized that I'm not just crying because the episode touched my emotional bone... I am crying for a multitude of reasons. I cry during Glee because it reminds me of what I had. I used to sing, and I was pretty darn good by my senior year, thanks to many years in choir. It wasn't until that final year that I went for a solo. I sang the national anthem at my school's fall pep assembly and I wow'd them. A friend of mine told me that another student whispered in her ear as I began to sing, "Whoa! I didn't know Kali could do that...". It felt great. I also got to sing a solo at my own graduation with both of my parents there together, it was my dad's first time seeing me sing. This was one of the highest moments of my life and I still hold it very close to my heart. But, I feel ridiculous that I would be so depressed about it now. I don't sing with the control I used to have and it saddens me deeply. How I wish I had kept going, gone for more, tried to stand out... It's all about "what if" with me.
I cry for a second, also slightly silly reason. This is the episode where Quinn has her baby. I cried the hardest when she is in labor and Puck is watching over her with an appreciative gaze. I. WANT. THIS. Drew and I have been married for only 5 months and I can't wait to start our family. I want to be pregnant. I want to go into labor. I want to deliver this amazing creation. I want to hold that child with Drew by my side. I'm excited for those things! But, I stress out because it's still so early in our marriage to bring a child in to the mix. We live in a one bedroom apartment that is starting to get a little small for my tastes. It's perfect for us right now, don't get me wrong. This apartment is a blessing to us straight from God, and I don't want to forget that. But, there is of course this part of me (a VERY large part) that wants a 3 bedroom home. Guest room and office for now... I want the room for a family, eventually. BUT, I don't want to miss out on the first years of my marriage! You see my conundrum? I'm in love with children, and want my own brood, but I don't want to bring children in to the world just yet, but I want them now... And I go in circles. Stress me OUT.
The main thing I really need to keep remembering is that everything needs to be in God's time, not Kali's time. I want Drew and I to have purpose in our marriage. I want us to try to get pregnant, not have an "oops" baby. I want to feel like it was the right time for us and that we were mentally ready (ish).
I've started praying at night about this. That God would bring a sense of peace and take away my feelings of urgency. That I would be happy with where I'm at and stop looking so far in the future. I want to enjoy my time with my new husband. Ephesians 5, and the first paragraphs of 6, have been a huge reminder to me as well... I need to be a WIFE right now. I need to focus on the two of us before a third. But, Ephesians is a good guideline on how to be a good wife. It's been a nice reminder to read that. I just need to redirect my focus.
I almost forgot to post a picture...

Us at my loves, Kristin (Devereaux) and Kyle Bishop's wedding.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Zoo to an Adult...
It is a strange and scary place at the zoo. The children running around. The screaming babies. The awesome wild animals. The female gorillas doing nasty things to one another... Wait, what?
I wish I were kidding, I really do...
I went to the zoo on Saturday with Mr. P and our new friends Kyle and Kristin. We had an awesome time! The little monkeys were giving my husband high-fives against the glass when he would put his hand up to them. A giant crane charged us when Drew held his hand out to him. The male tiger walked about his cage, growling something fierce. And... two female gorillas pleasured each other.
We came to the gorilla enclosure and were waiting for the silverback to turn around so we could see his face when two cute younger gorillas came in to the area giving each other piggy backs and playing around, and the silverback left the area. Then one of the little females lay on the ground and the other lay in the reverse position and they "cleaned" one another. Then they switched positions, who was on top, and went from standing to laying all the while making thrusting motions. It was SHOCKING. It was only a few moments. But, it was startling all the same. I finally became a little more than uncomfortable and pulled my group away.
What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Thank goodness for adorable things like otters and meerkats to throw a little acid on my brain.
The zoo to an adult is an interesting place. Much like my view on old Disney movies has changed, so has my view of the zoo. No longer is it a place where you can just see some awesome wild animals, but now it has become a place where you can watch wild animals get freaky.
I think I will wait a while before I return. The zoo is a little jaded for me now.
On our way:
I wish I were kidding, I really do...
I went to the zoo on Saturday with Mr. P and our new friends Kyle and Kristin. We had an awesome time! The little monkeys were giving my husband high-fives against the glass when he would put his hand up to them. A giant crane charged us when Drew held his hand out to him. The male tiger walked about his cage, growling something fierce. And... two female gorillas pleasured each other.
We came to the gorilla enclosure and were waiting for the silverback to turn around so we could see his face when two cute younger gorillas came in to the area giving each other piggy backs and playing around, and the silverback left the area. Then one of the little females lay on the ground and the other lay in the reverse position and they "cleaned" one another. Then they switched positions, who was on top, and went from standing to laying all the while making thrusting motions. It was SHOCKING. It was only a few moments. But, it was startling all the same. I finally became a little more than uncomfortable and pulled my group away.
What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Thank goodness for adorable things like otters and meerkats to throw a little acid on my brain.
The zoo to an adult is an interesting place. Much like my view on old Disney movies has changed, so has my view of the zoo. No longer is it a place where you can just see some awesome wild animals, but now it has become a place where you can watch wild animals get freaky.
I think I will wait a while before I return. The zoo is a little jaded for me now.
On our way:
Monday, April 26, 2010
I seriously could not think of a title. I'm feeling a little sleepy brained today. My BFF at work was out sick and apparently that means I have no brain of my own? No... I was just running around all day doing different errands and that always makes me feel like a crazy person when I get back to my desk. It shakes me from my grooooooooove, man.
I'm super excited to get out of here today, not because I don't love my job, because I LOVE my job... But, I'm excited to get home tonight and clean, clean, CLEAN. Tomorrow I am having a couple of my coworkers over for movie night. It also happens to be one of our new coworker's wife's (not married just yet, but close enough in my opinion!) birthday. She's new in town and Emily, Lyndsy and I want her to feel welcome. Her first birthday up here! I won't say what we're doing just in case she stumbles upon this between tonight and tomorrow night. But, I'm excited!
Can I just say that I'm tired of feeling like crap? I feel tired all the time. I get sick quite easily. It's just a mess. I know if has to do with not being active enough. But, when you're at this point, it's really hard to find motivation to get to the gym. I'd rather stay home with my cat and play The Sims3.
My husband is amazing in so many ways. He makes me laugh harder than I have in many, MANY years. Usually during times that one wouldn't normally be cracking up, either. Which I think is fantastic. :-) Drew helps me out so much when I'm dragging. On his day off last week he totally cleaned the apartment. This gave me a lot of motivation, and I finished the laundry that had been sitting on the floor next to my side of the bed. He motivates me. He makes me feel attractive. He's a Christian influence. He's supportive... He's just all around pretty awesome.
Almost done with my day. Going to finish up my daily tasks and hit the road. Here's a little updated photo of me and my main man!
I'm super excited to get out of here today, not because I don't love my job, because I LOVE my job... But, I'm excited to get home tonight and clean, clean, CLEAN. Tomorrow I am having a couple of my coworkers over for movie night. It also happens to be one of our new coworker's wife's (not married just yet, but close enough in my opinion!) birthday. She's new in town and Emily, Lyndsy and I want her to feel welcome. Her first birthday up here! I won't say what we're doing just in case she stumbles upon this between tonight and tomorrow night. But, I'm excited!
Can I just say that I'm tired of feeling like crap? I feel tired all the time. I get sick quite easily. It's just a mess. I know if has to do with not being active enough. But, when you're at this point, it's really hard to find motivation to get to the gym. I'd rather stay home with my cat and play The Sims3.
My husband is amazing in so many ways. He makes me laugh harder than I have in many, MANY years. Usually during times that one wouldn't normally be cracking up, either. Which I think is fantastic. :-) Drew helps me out so much when I'm dragging. On his day off last week he totally cleaned the apartment. This gave me a lot of motivation, and I finished the laundry that had been sitting on the floor next to my side of the bed. He motivates me. He makes me feel attractive. He's a Christian influence. He's supportive... He's just all around pretty awesome.
Almost done with my day. Going to finish up my daily tasks and hit the road. Here's a little updated photo of me and my main man!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Mrs. Pettersen
I'm still not used to the idea of being Mrs. But, it's a thought that excites me, still. It's been almost a month since we got married and I could not be happier with the man God chose for me. We are always having fun together, learning new things together, and encouraging one another. It's insane, really. I never thought it possible to love any other human being as much as I love my husband. He is a daily blessing to my life.
I can only hope for more of this joy in the future. But, with God in the center, I can't see how we could fail.
Kali Pettersen
I can only hope for more of this joy in the future. But, with God in the center, I can't see how we could fail.
Kali Pettersen
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
17 Days Until I Say "I Do"
I have been busy these days. Busy with work, and busy trying to iron out the details of the wedding. What am I at, 17 days until I marry the man God sent me? This is proving to be a bit more anxiety ridden than I had anticipated.
For instance, I'm currently stressing myself out over song selections. I don't know what Drew and Sue-Mom want to dance to for their mother-son dance. But, I haven't asked Sue yet, so that's probably a minor detail. I'm trying to think of songs to play for the candle lighting and serving of communion. But, I think I will just leave it to classical music that the dj picks. Nothing particular. I really want to walk down to Moonlight Sonata, Drew doesn't want me to. Yes, the song is a little dark, but it's also my favorite song of all time. I think I'll have the wedding party walk to Canon in D and call it good, it's also a favorite. :-) We're walking out to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" by the amazing IZ. Drew's pick. :-) I couldn't be happier with that choice.
I'm tired, I think. I just have this icky feeling that I'm forgetting a whole mess of things. Well, I know I am. But, I am trying to constantly review different checklists to see.
For instance, I'm currently stressing myself out over song selections. I don't know what Drew and Sue-Mom want to dance to for their mother-son dance. But, I haven't asked Sue yet, so that's probably a minor detail. I'm trying to think of songs to play for the candle lighting and serving of communion. But, I think I will just leave it to classical music that the dj picks. Nothing particular. I really want to walk down to Moonlight Sonata, Drew doesn't want me to. Yes, the song is a little dark, but it's also my favorite song of all time. I think I'll have the wedding party walk to Canon in D and call it good, it's also a favorite. :-) We're walking out to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" by the amazing IZ. Drew's pick. :-) I couldn't be happier with that choice.
I'm tired, I think. I just have this icky feeling that I'm forgetting a whole mess of things. Well, I know I am. But, I am trying to constantly review different checklists to see.
I turned in my ring to Shane Co. to be soldered and polished. I'm am only going to try it on once while I'm at Shane Co. next Tuesday to pick it up, just to ensure it fits. After that, I am tucking it away until the moment Drew places it back on my finger at our wedding. Currently, to not make my ring finger feel sad and naked, I am wearing the first wedding set my mom received from my dad when they got married. It's a sweet three band set with a solitare, a plain band, and a third band with a heart and two half circles on it. I really do love it. It's yellow gold. But, I love it because it is my mom's. And it makes me happy when I look at it.
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