I'm the biggest nerd with the incredible ability to underestimate my pain threshold.
All day yesterday I had been saying how excited I was to go to the dentist. I'm glad I went, don't get me wrong. But, I completely forgot about how painful having sensitive teeth can be at times.
I had my regular cleaning with the gritty paste by the dental assistant, which was fine. Then I had the exam by Dr. Ed and we talked wisdom teeth. Next was the ultra sonic cleaning. This is the super powered water that jets out of the cavitron tip and can blast away calculus build up. Oh my goodness, this hurt. It gets into the sulcus (the space between gumline and tooth) and cleans it out. But, if you have sensitive teeth and sometimes sensitive gums, this can be a painful thing. I shudder at the thought of it. It's a necessary evil, I know this. My teeth are amazingly clean, though. Dr. also said that I don't have any new cavities, which he is proud of.
Two Fridays from now, on the 30th of July, I will be leaving work early and heading to my house where Drew will meet me. From there we are going to hustle over to Sunrise Dental and get at least one of my three wisdom teeth out. I have one that just decided to start really pushing through and it's not very pleasant! Drew is nervous on my behalf because he knows I don't manage pain very well.
Here is where prayer comes in!
God, help me be a strong woman and deal with whatever pain or fear that comes with dignity. I pray that I don't lose myself and become a child just because I have been known to be a sissy. I don't want this time to become an excuse for me to not do my wifely duties and maintain my home as I try to do. Amen.
Us in Maui in 2009. :-)
I am a MAJOR baby when it comes to pain, so I feel ya there! I got a severly impacted, infected wisdom tooth pulled and it's not so bad but make sure you get your perscription filled ASAP and take them before the numbing stuff wears off or it will be the worst pain you'll ever feel lol... I made the mistake of not getting it filled fast enough. OUCH!