Monday, July 19, 2010

I {less than 3} the dentist

As silly as I am sure that sounds, I can't help it. I love going to the dentist. I love going to the optometrist. I love LOVE going to the doctor (it helps that it's my mom's clinic).

I have been in some serious pain with my wisdom teeth as of late. I know most of you are simply appalled that I still even have mine in at the ripe age of 23, but it's true. I only have three. Two are fully erupted and the third has recently decided to ascend into the world. This new pain has given me a huge appreciate and new level of sympathy to children who are just recently cutting teeth. It HURTS.

I'm going to the most awesome dentist in the whole freaking universe, Dr. Im at Sunrise Dental in Bellevue. Not only is he a dentist, but he is also a physician. He is also connected to my CEO in a way that gives us something pleasant and non generic to chat about.

My appointment for my general cleaning is tomorrow, but I am going to point out the angry little bugger poking it's way through my gums and hopefully we will be able to work out next steps to get them all out.

ACK! So excited. :-)

Mrs. P

(I love this man)


  1. Don't feel bad- I am 25 and still have three of mine!!!

    And I freaking LOVE that picture of you two!

  2. Thanks Gem! Wisdom teeth SUCK.

    I love this picture,too. It's on the roof of his cousin Haylee's apartment. :-)
